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Self-Care: A Vital Component

Mirabell Rowland

It’s no secret that university can be quite a challenging time. Throughout the semester, with late nights studying for tests, cramming to complete projects, and writing long papers, the feeling of burnout can catch up to us. Personally, with classes, extra-curricular, an on-campus job, and research internships, I can feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I have to do each day. Below are some amazing tips for practising self-care and destressing.

  1. Do Something creative

Whether drawing, colouring, writing, or painting. Find time to implement creativity in your life. Even if you do not consider yourself to be the best artist, you can follow tutorials, or even paint by number. Whatever tickles your fancy, just have fun.

2. Watch your favourite show or movie

Just relax and take a break to watch your comfort movie or reruns of old shows. Or even go to the movie theatre and watch something new. Forget about deadlines for the time and enjoy watching the story unfold on screen. Right now I love watching Abbott Elementary!

3. Organize your room

Yes, I know this might not seem fun, but organizing can be a nice way to treat yourself. When your space is clean and organized, you have a better chance of being focused. Plus isn’t it nice when you walk into your room and it looks pretty amazing?

4. Read a book

Alright, I know we all have to read a lot for classes, especially the humanities and social science students, but sometimes reading your favourite memoir, novel or comic can reignite your interest in reading. Also, audiobooks can be especially convenient because you can just listen to the story. My favourite books include " I'm Still Here" by Austin Channing Brown and “Twins” A graphic novel by Varian Johnson.

5. Listen to Music

Sometimes just listening to your favourite music and singing along can really help lift your spirit. And if you're feeling really daring, try singing the lyrics backwards - maybe that'll give you some new insight into your favourite songs. All jokes aside some personal recs right now are Cat Burns, Aint Afraid, and Amirah Unplugged.

6. Journal

Sometimes so much happens in your life, and you must get it all out. A great way to do this is to jot down your thoughts and experience and reflect on how you have grown. To make the most of your journaling experience, try writing a few sentences about the lessons you learned or a letter to your older self.

7. Take a break from Technology

Go a day without checking your email or being looped into social media. Enjoy nature; take a long walk near a lake, take pictures of plants, and cuddle with animal companions. If you don’t have animal companions, my favourite thing to do is go to the nearest Petco or Cat Cafe to enjoy their company without the responsibility.

8 . Spend time with those you love

A surprise visit to your mum, a call to your siblings, or simply a catch-up with a friend, all of these can be great ways to spend a break or even a weekend. Strive to build deeper connections with the people around you.

9. Support performing arts

If you are like me, you love stories, so what better way to do something for yourself than support local art by attending ballet, theatre, or dance performances? Art has always greatly influenced how we see ourselves and can be a much-needed break from constant studying plus you are supporting your community.

10. Slow down and breathe

Everything can seem to be happening a million miles per minute. With your responsibilities with family, college, and thinking about the future, take a minute to slow down and breathe.

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1 Comment

Apr 30, 2023

Loved all 10 and fabulous for any age. Self-care is NOT selfish! 😎

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